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Annulment in North Carolina

Find An Attorney To Help With Your Annulment

If you were recently married but realize that things are not going to work out, you may want to consider filing for an annulment. An annulment is much simpler than a divorce and it can be complete much faster. When you file for an annulment you are declaring that the marriage is null and void from the beginning. This means it never happened. If you need help with an annulment, contact the Lorenz and Creed Law Firm.

How Is An Annulment Different From A Divorce?

When you file for a divorce you have to consider all of the things you and your spouse have purchased or debt you have incurred over the years. When you choose to have an annulment, you do not have to consider those things. An annulment voids the marriage and anything that happened during it. An annulment is not possible for all marriage and you should talk to an attorney to determine if it is right for you.

How Can An Attorney Help Me?

Your attorney can help you by determining if your marriage can be voided with an annulment and answering any questions you may have about the annulment process. Your attorney will accompany you to court and help you deal with your concerns. You can count on your attorney to answer your questions and be by your side throughout the entire process.

Call An Experienced Divorce Attorney For Help With Your Annulment

If you think you are ready to end your marriage and think an annulment is the right option, hire an attorney for help today. Your spouse may hire an attorney too and you don’t want to take on the opposing counsel on your own. Let an attorney with the experience and passion to help you succeed take your case. Call the Lorenz and Creed Law Firm today at [custom:phone} today.